Premier should indicate weekly match count ahead of time

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 10:21 PM

It's annoying enough that I consider this a bug in the beta. Do you agree?

It's not clear, from the ingame Premier UI or the FAQ, which days count for the weekly match limit, and what the limit is. We didn't find out whether we can play another Ascent match until it was go time. That's unacceptable.

Ingame there should be something like a progress indicator, divided by maps, showing how many matches we've played on each map out of how many are allowed, which would also communicate the fact that the limit shown applies to each map, not calendar week. Something like:

Ascent   Pearl    Bind     Haven
2/2 ✅   0/2      0/2      0/1

Even text that says something like "1 weekly match remaining between 29 Apr and 1 May" would help solve the problem. This needs to be communicated clearly and directly, so that we don't find ourselves in this scheduling dilemma again. Are we gonna play another match on Monday, or are we done until it's Pearl time? We want to prepare.

EDIT: And now we're learning that in some regions the limit doesn't even work, and teams have already qualified for playoffs. Cool

PS Scouting Twitter, especially a community manager's private profile, doesn't count.



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