Prime Karambit concept

Posted by Steve

Sunday, February 21, 2021 12:02 PM

Hello everyone!

As per u/MrDedles 's post (which got removed for some reason), here is my concept for a Prime Karambit.

If Prime 2.0 ever comes in the game, this could probably be its melee skin (or maybe not, I am no one to decide XD)

I have created two versions, so lemme know which one you like more!

Version 1: A more complex style with foldable hinges. Equip animation would be same as Rune melee, but the blade would unfold while equipping. Design inspired from CRKT Provoke Karambit

Version 2: A simpler, more classic karambit style with no moving parts. Equip animation would be the CS style karambit equip. Design inspired from Fox Knives FX-599



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