Prime Vandle Needs a Nerf

Posted by Steve

Friday, January 15, 2021 6:02 PM

As I’m sure many of you know, the prime vandle is way too OP and has no place in a competitive game like Valaorant. I’m LIATERALLY so tired of hopping into a match and faceing people who just buy prime vandle and abuse it to keep killing us. Unless your are a profesional(where everyone alrady bought prime vandle so its even) , lobbys like mine (bronse/ iran and below) basicaly come down to which team got more money to spend on prime vandle. I’m sick of haveing to scream into my mic at the begining of each round for someone to drop me prime vandle (I only got the black skin vandle which does less damage) only for them to mute me. Its basicaly like their throwing the game because it’s not realy my fault for going 2-23 on avarage each game because I can’t get a fair fight with the prime vandle. I’m not about to drop 75$ on a prime vandle skin though because I dont suport riot’s pay to win model of a game. Trust me, why do you think all the radaiant streamers got skins on evaery gun(especialy the prime vandle skin)? Because thats what yuo need to compete at the top. And dont even get me started if they had a prime ODAN, I would quit the game instantly...

So to sum up: prime vandle is OP and needs a nerf because people with the black vandle skin (like me) are at an incradible disadvantage.



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