Posted by Steve
Monday, November 7, 2022 8:55 PM
Since the first battlepass, I've been using battlepassess calculators to get an idea of how much I need to play in order to get to the end of the season with everything finished. And that is around 2-3 competitive games PER DAY. That is ridiculously high.
During some battlepassess I had all the time in the world, so I would play more on some days and end it before the deadline, but when I'm working, having to play 2-3 games per day is way too much.
If it was discussed enough already around here and the majority considers that the amount of XP gained per day with quests and games is enough, can't we discuss a different system at least?
1) For example, collecting points for each level, and then unlocking the skins you want. That way, I can unlock early the skins I actually bought the pass for, and play in a more lenient manner during the rest of the season, and having the choice to get to the end and leaving some stuff I don't want behind because I don't want to play more and I don't care about some itens.
Better skins would require more points to unlock, but that would be fine, cause at the beginning of the season with the newest updates feels more fun and fresh to play.
I wouldn't forget about the battlepass, because Radianite for example is worth grinding for, but I wouldn't feel guilty if I'm burnt out and decide "You know what, already got what I wanted, I'll not play the rest of the season".
I love the game but more than often I feel like is mandatory to play, so that takes a lot of the fun away.
2) Another suggestion: It would be nice if daily quests could stack to a maximum. Lets say, they stack up to 3 days. So I could skip a day or two, grind a bit on the weekends.
Also it wouldn't hurt at all if the XP required to each level was a bit lower.
I think the current system is extremely simple and repetitive. The battlepass doesn't feel like something fun to do, it just feel like its there on the background waiting for you to grind for it.
Who has all the time in the world will finish it in a month and continue playing, and say to others "Dude its so fair, I finish it in a month", while there will be others struggling to play obligatory matches each day, even without any desire to play.
I think the battlepass formula in a whole accross different games became boring and stale. The formula feels bad. There is no inovation anymore. Nothing new is being tested, nothing new is being tried.
It doesn't help that some people play 3, 4 or more battlepasses across different games. But no game dev is thinking about that, they think their playerbase only play their games.
Can't we make battlepasses more fun? To feel more like an event, instead of just unlocking ACT rewards for grinding?
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