Problems with people intentionally de-ranking

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, October 5, 2022 8:41 AM

Hi everyone, this post is just for those who have ever been in a competitive game with people intentionally de-ranking in matches. It’s frustrating as we all know.

I was just in a game with a Jett and a Raze that auto locked. When we loaded into the game they proceeded to sit in a corner of spawn. They would only participate once the other two teammates and I died. They said they were intentionally de-ranking.

What the hell man? I have little time out of my day to play and I had to be in games with these assholes. We have to sit there and watch as they would just try to knife the enemy team after we died. I wish the dev team would give small penalties to a loss like this. I went down a whole rank from that game too. Anyone else have a similar experience?



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