Posted by Steve
Friday, February 25, 2022 11:19 PM
I'd like to propose the feature of "map voting" in pre-match.
This would solve 2 kinds of problems:
- I played Icebox few days ago 3 times in a row. I wouldn't do that if I had a way, not even with relation to a specific map.
- Some maps are actually disliked more than others. So there would be a natural feedback to developers for this.
In agent selection screen, near the map name, add buttons "Aye/Nay". If a map receives more Aye than Nay, it goes ahead. If more Nay's - another random map is proposed by the server and goes to a second choice of Aye/Nay. If rejected, the 3rd map randomly chosen and with no more voting.
At the end of some period of time developers will see clear statistics of which maps were most rejected and would make some rework to enhance those.
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