Posted by Steve
Saturday, April 30, 2022 12:31 PM
TLDR: Anyone but especially duelists in general play around your initiator for a easier entry into site.
Just for background info I'm sitting plat 2 70 LP and I main the initiator class (Mostly Sova and Sky) and I've had fairly good success with the new agent Fade. It's a struggle with some games with either duelists not entering site and baiting, duelists entering site to fast with no one to trade them losing us frags and possibly the round or just running threw a smoke dry and dying. I don't see this problem as much in plat/diamond lobbies because of better comms and people are more experienced. So here's a general PSA on how to enter with some initiators.
- Sova: I still consider Sova the best initiator in the game I think his site coverage is unapparelled but give it 1 or 2 weeks and we will see where Fade falls in the Meta. When Sova arrows he'll reveal enemy players for three ticks. Enter when this arrow hits so enemies are distracted and you know where they are. Especially with Jett you can play around your smokes with reveal extremely well. You can also push with his drone and essentially bait it for easy kills just keep in mind that you can get collated through it.
- Skye: Skye's main piece of info is her dog, it's much like Sova drone but it's nearsighted and if it connects with someone it stuns them. Your Skye will most likely scout out one or two players with this ability after this ask your Skye to flash these players for free kills and space, or instead you could enter with the dog much like the Sova drone above.
- Fade: Fade is like a cross between Skye and Sova. With her E main ability she can reveal enemies much like Sova but she gives them a trail below. Her Secondary Ability much like Skye she can spawn a dog to follow these trails, if the dog connects she near sights the enemy like a Omen blind. When entering try to follow up on these dogs while the enemy is distracted shooting them or play around her reveal and kill them while they try to shoot it.
- Breach: Breach's main ability is his concussion where he stuns enemies in a straight like for 3 seconds and his secondary ability's are his flashes and his aftershock. The flashes are self-explanatory and his aftershock has three charges of 70 to a small area. When entering asking your Breach to flash common angles for you and to concuss and aftershock commonly played areas for a easier entry and follow up on his utility.
- KAY/O: KAY/O's main ability is his knife which suppresses enemies caught in the area for 8 seconds not allowing then to use abilities. His secondary utilities are his molly and flashes. Ask your KAY/O to molly out commonly played areas and knife areas where enemies are playing to suppress them also ask them to flash overhead to blind your enemies when entering for free kills.
In conclusion just play around your initiator for a easier entry and follow up on utility. Don't be afraid to IGL it and ask for certain things like flashes and what not.
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