PSA: If you don’t want your teammates to mute you, simply be respectful and constructive rather than homophobic, racist, sexist, ableist, etc.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, February 2, 2021 12:02 AM

It’s sad that I feel the need to post this but in 4/4 of my games today I’ve been needlessly called homophobic slurs as soon as I’ve spoken (just to make simple call outs or say good luck to my team). I’ve never experienced so much pointless toxicity in other games.

Don’t abuse other ppl in comms, and if you do, don’t throw a tantrum when you get muted. Comms are there to provide utility and help win, not to hate crime people for things they can’t change. And even if you aren’t the person spreading discriminatory narratives: stand up for those being attacked! Be kind. Don’t say anything unless you have something constructive and nice to say. Play to win.

Real people exist behind the screens.

Good luck in your games agents :)



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