PSA: Please help your duelists out when executing a site

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, September 14, 2022 3:52 AM

I’ve noticed personally across low to mid elo that people tend to immediately turn to duelists to take a site. While it’s true that the role of duelists is to take trades and gunfights, it’s also incredibly hard for them to do it alone without any help.

The amount of times I’ve seen (and experiences) a duelist get yelled at for not going in without their controller smoking or initiator flashing/getting recon is a bit much. A duelist is just like any other agent if they have to rush into site without any assistance from the team. Help them out next time with some flashes if you’re an initiator, or some smokes and walls as a controller. That’ll give them the next bump of help to take site.

So, the next time you turn to your duelist to yell at them for hiding behind the team, just consider that for the future. It can exponentially help not only take sites more smoothly, but also save team mental.



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