PSA: There is a Bomb Indicator to the RIGHT OF YOUR SCREEN

Posted by Steve

Monday, May 16, 2022 5:48 PM

Please, if you have the bomb, actually know you have the bomb.

Just had a game where for multiple rounds, people had the spike, and died in random ass places. Apparently, they didn't realize they had the spike.

For instance, one guy decides to charge into Garden alone, and dies. Bomb is now surrounded by CTs who can come from window, or camp in the corner. Used util as Skye to clear out angles, but got peaked by Sage from window. End result is that we managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

So please... take a look at your UI to see if you have bomb. It's not that hard to see.

Thank you.

(I'm a bit frustrated, as you can tell.)



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