Posted by Steve
Friday, May 13, 2022 1:29 PM
I literally started playing this game 5 days ago after watching people on twitch play but the learning curve is steep (I usually play Apex so this is quite different), so naturally I'll play anything other than ranked. I try to replicate what I've seen to the best of my ability but it doesn't always work. The maps are brand new to me, the recoil on the guns is killer, and knowing how to approach a site is yeah I don't really know what I'm doing yet. But I'm trying.
Please don't be unnecessarily toxic (already had various encounters). Some people are just trying something new. If you have genuinely nice and calm advice to offer, I'll gladly take it. But don't be toxic on mic when a teammate isn't doing well--especially in any mode other than ranked (but never be toxic at all). If you feel the need to rage, just don't hop on mic--trust me, I've been there, we all get frustrated or angry sometimes. No need to take it out on someone directly.
Just remind yourself that you don't always know why someone isn't doing well. Maybe they're new, maybe they're having an off day, maybe this is the only thing bringing them joy at the moment but they aren't very good. So just extend patience.
And remember, you were new at this game at one time and may have not been very good at first.
Edit: I know this won't stop toxicity, everyone. I come from Apex so I definitely know haha. My motivation behind this post was to just act as a reminder or act as something to think about. If it changes even one person's mind, that's a success. Thank you to all for suggestions though! Will definitely insta mute next time.
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