Putting too much priority on rank.

Posted by Steve

Friday, July 30, 2021 2:12 AM

Hey guys, I have many friends and players that take their ranks too seriously. I mean they have alt accounts and only play one match a day on the main when they are feeling it, they get toxic when losing and instantly switch accounts.

This is not going to help you at all ! The only time we play best is when we're just having fun in the game, you can't be thinking about your rank every match. I have one account, I never play unrated and I have pretty decent rank. I get losing streaks, but I just practice and get over it. Forget about your rank for a while, instead of playing on alt accounts go into the range for 10 minutes.

Worried about getting deranked after the match ? Don't, just go into the lower rank and pop some heads and you'll feel much more confident. Get comfortable playing comp without the pressure of rank and you'll eventually get better ranks too.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/otsur5/putting_too_much_priority_on_rank/
  • https://reddit.com/otsur5

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