Posted by Steve
Wednesday, December 7, 2022 10:07 AM
I, unfortunately, live in a country where the electricity or internet will stay consistent for a few months, then randomly go out multiple times in the next few months. There’s really no way to tell when the internet or electricity goes out, or if it will even go out — it’s quite unpredictable.
Six times in the past two and a half weeks, either the electricity or internet went out while I was in the middle of a ranked game. I’ve had a squeaky clean record with no penalties, AFKs, reports, and only one dodge prior to this, and since it happened 3 times on both my accounts in just this short amount of time, I’m getting the final warning before they restrict my accounts from playing ranked games and comm’ing. I have two accounts (both in the same rank) for this reason — to safeguard from the electricity/internet failing.
Since I’m basically on the third strike on both accounts, how severe would the penalty be if the electricity/internet were to go out in the middle of a game again? And how long would it take for the strikes to “reset”? It says the penalties can be reduced when I continue playing games without AFK’ing, but I have no control over when the electricity or internet goes off and I also don’t know when it will stabilize. How many games would it take for me to reduce the penalties?
Had to ask this and get it off my chest since I DC’d (unwilling) in the middle of a ranked game, came back when the internet returned, and still lost -12 RR despite us winning the game. I’m afraid to play in general since I have absolutely no idea if the internet or electricity would go out :( As if living in a country with horrible infrastructure wasn’t bad enough, now I can’t even play a game I enjoy T_T
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