Question for all Aim Gods

Posted by Steve

Friday, December 3, 2021 10:36 PM

I have played since Valorant was released to the public and I was once in platinum during the first act. However, my aim had decreased drastically and now 9/10 times I whiff; And I am now also Hardstuck Bronze. Does any one have any suggestions as how to improve my aim?

To Note, I have also tried:

- Aim trainers

- Practicing in the range for an hour before games

- Forcing myself to go for headshots

- Unbinding crouch as to help

- Looking up aim guides from pro guides to the dark corners of videos with only a couple of views

- Forcing myself if I have had a bad time or am tilted to stop playing Valorant (this helped for like a week, hasn't helped again)

- Watching pros montages to help memorize their movement and crosshair placement on all maps (don't say this doesn't work, it actually does you'd be surprised)

- Also my mums booked me to go see a therapist and other than not doing my assessments I'm not sure why



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