question for high elo: is sage actually supposed to just defend A site on Pearl?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, September 3, 2022 2:40 AM

Sorry if this is not allowed, just remove then pls.

I just started playing valo like a month ago. I have made some friends and found some teammates already, which is awesome.

There's this one guy, his main apparently is plat 1, but his second is silver three. He always says things like "in high elo you would never see that, or that, or that yada yada".

The other day he was playing and I watched him for a couple of minutes. The sage on his team went to defend B site on Pearl. And he kinda got mad about it and said "in my plat lobby no sage would ever be on B site at the beginning of the round" (when I play sage on Pearl I love defending B site, cause 1 I hate a site and secondly I learned some great walls there).

So is this true? And if so... Why? I can understand chamber being designated to defend B long... But why sage on a?



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