Posted by Steve
Friday, May 6, 2022 12:31 AM
Hello. I made my account a few months ago and I'm currently bronze 2. I have a question regarding the queues as I'm matched with people way above my skill.
I queue ranked and I get people who were plat/gold last act and now they're bronze absolutely demolishing and carrying their teams. How do they drop that much?
My second question is when I queued Deathmatch I'm against people who are plat 2 even though I've barely played deathmatch.. ever. I don't see why I'd be queued against these players? Sure, I do fairly well in my games but I'm no where close to their skill level. Their aim is almost only headshots and a lot of them had crazy crosshair placement.
Also, I'm looking to improve and I'm wondering if 0.425 800dpi is good? I noticed my aim wasn't as "smooth" and rather shaky when i was aiming.
Thank you for anyone who takes the time out of their day to respond, I really appreciate it.
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