"Quick Play" game type suggestion

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, May 18, 2021 1:00 PM

Background & Rationale:

I'm a full time student who has limited time & enjoys playing with friends. Because of the MMR, playing with some friends limits our options to Unrated, Spike Rush, Deathmatch, & Replication. While Spike Rush & Replication can be fun, they can create poor habits for the real game & can get frustrating with certain aspects of them (ie. golden gun, upgrade, & other orbs, forced to use a specific gun). Unrated can be fun, however they can go on longer than desired. This all lead me to want something shorter, but simulating the real thing.

Quick Play suggestion:

  • 1st to 5 (like Replication)
  • Buy/Purchase system from Replication (money per round)
  • Same time per round as Replication
  • Normal character select (like Unrated, Comp, & Spike Rush)
  • No power ups
  • +/- Full abilities each round
  • +/- MMR implementation (Not sure about this one)


  • Mix between Spike Rush & Deathmatch which is useful for learning &/or warming up
  • Improves habits that are applicable to Unrated & Competitive
  • Quicker games allow people who want to play between responsibilities

Open to thoughts & critiques.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/neumy6/quick_play_game_type_suggestion/
  • https://reddit.com/neumy6

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