Quick tips and tricks for Low ELO players

Posted by Steve

Friday, March 12, 2021 4:50 PM

Recently climbed from S2 to D2 and I’ve noticed a lot while climbing

  1. Dont be afraid to die! - time and time again I see people standing around near spawn on attack waiting for the defending team to do something or 1 of the duellists to entry. Any character can entry! Everyone has guns don’t be afraid to use them

  2. DONT BAIT TEAMMATES - This goes hand in hand with the first tip. Please for the love of god peek together with teammates. If 1 person dies don’t get scared , kill the person that your teammate was fighting so you can even out the playing field. 2 guns is better than 1!

  3. Utility is your Bestfriend - Try to use your utility whenever possible! Before entering a site or after once spike is planted to slow down the defending team. Vice versa for when you are defending. Use the any means to slow down a push even if you hear just 2 pairs of foot steps, throw that slow orb or smoke down. The closer the clock runs down the easier it is for attackers to make mistakes. I see so many people die with utility that could’ve helped them make a play to win the round

  4. Backseat gaming - Stop making unnecessary calls and or controlling demands. You’re only being a detriment to that player and your team.

  5. Flame - just no. Doesn’t help. Lose more games. Stop. Positivity is key to keeping morale up, Valorant is essentially 25 rounds in comp. That’s a very long time. Anything can happen , and tearing down a teammates morale can cause them to make more mistakes or even stop trying. Just be nice and you’ll win a lot more: if not Atleast you aren’t being an ass hat and ruining someone’s day


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/m2zpm6/quick_tips_and_tricks_for_low_elo_players/
  • https://reddit.com/m2zpm6

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