Radiant vs. Elo Hell

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, December 1, 2020 9:09 PM

Radiant vs. Elo Hell

(Just to preface this, I'm only bronze 2, which I believe is pretty close to where I belong. However, I think this player's experience can really show how messed up ranked it at the moment.)

Meet Keeoh. He's a content creator for Cloud9, currently Radiant/High Immortal by playing mostly Killjoy.

About three weeks ago he started a series where he made an alt account and by playing only Skye, he tried to go from iron/bronze all the way to immortal within 50 wins. I really recommend watching his content because he makes great videos on Killjoy. Anyway, this series just finished today, and with that everyone gets a chance to see how cool this guy's "Act Dorito" is after 50 wins and 6-7 days of effort.

Here it is.

Of course, the 21 wins in Diamond 1 really stand out. Almost half of his triangle is Diamond 1. Now, to be fair, in many of his games he was playing rather inconsistently, due to playing for too long or because he was playing a support character like Skye, but in a lot of his games, he'd at least be 1-3 on his team's scoreboard, only for him to get a 2/3 up-arrow after a game. Once again, watch his videos to see for yourself. (His climb through diamond begins in Episode 5, for those who don't want to watch the whole series.)

Being disappointed that he didn't get immortal, Keeoh changed the challenge to "rank up to immortal," just because he wanted the pride of it. So, he played more games, until he got his account to Immortal.

The results? Here.

I just think it's ridiculous. Yeah, there might be some reasons why his climb to immortal was so slow, like being unfamiliar with his character and role, but, like many people say, "if your aim is good, you'll climb/stay a consistent rank." If he's up to snuff in radiant games, how is he having so much trouble a good 6 ranks below that?

Thanks for reading! The only reason I really posted this was because of how people are slowly realizing that ranked is not even close to being playable at times, and I wanted to throw in a visual example of how players like us are experiencing it. I again recommend checking out Keeoh, he's a great player and all-around a cool guy.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/k47fbx/radiant_vs_elo_hell/
  • https://reddit.com/k47fbx

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