Rank allocation has shifted? 50% of players are now in Iron and Bronze apparently.

Posted by Steve

Thursday, November 26, 2020 10:21 PM

Rank allocation has shifted? 50% of players are now in Iron and Bronze apparently.

So a friend of mine drew my attention to this the other day: https://www.valking.gg/ranked-distribution

The current rank distribution is now heavily stacked towards the lowest ranks with roughly 70 percent of the playerbase in Silver or below. Iron is now the biggest bracket.

This surprised me because I specifically remember looking at the rank allocation a couple months ago and Gold used to be by far the biggest bracket. Or am I going crazy?

Edit: For reference someone posted this distribution from August 2020.

It seems like there's has been a shift but I'm not sure when it happened. And I feel like this would also explain why a lot of people are reporting to have deranked hard in this new act and are now struggling in high Bronze or low Silver when previously they were entrenched in Gold.



  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/k0p1xc/rank_allocation_has_shifted_50_of_players_are_now/
  • https://reddit.com/k0p1xc

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