Ranked up out of iron-bronze hell for the first time and am so juiced rn

Posted by Steve

Sunday, December 13, 2020 7:00 AM

It's past 2a and I'm coming off a 4 game win streak to call it a night. I've been iron 3 and barely bronze 1 since Act 2 up until last week. I (b3) queue up with my friend (ir3) who I normally play with and we chat it up with our other teammates on icebox. I warn everyone that I've only been bronze 3 for like a day so don't expect much. We had good comms throughout the match and I end up second top fragger on the team. I friend request them post game and had another good match where the other team ff at the half 11-1. We all rank up at that point and were super excited. I played two more with my new friends and we pull out W's. It may have been the MMR from the new patch but these recent games don't feel as bad as the iron/bronze hell in terms of skill disparity. All things considered, it was nice making new friends and then hitting silver for the first time to top it off. I don't know how to express how happy I am rn but I hope you all are able to make new friends in this community and climb out of whichever elo you feel stuck in. Cheers mate!


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kbn4as/ranked_up_out_of_ironbronze_hell_for_the_first/
  • https://reddit.com/kbn4as

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