Ranked is now officially the worse its ever been.

Posted by Steve

Thursday, May 19, 2022 10:07 AM

Ranked is now officially the worse its ever been.

when individually probably the best player in the world says the ranked system is bad then you surely have a major problem & players below IMMO its currently hell.

ignoring radiant lobbies & lets start talking about lower ELO Games.

The biggest issue at medium/high elo is Account sharing & boosting your friends, & every single player of valorant has 2-3-4 accounts at ranks from silver, gold, diamond, immo, its a MAJOR issue and must be fixed this is why most games below IMMO are a complete coin flip and more and more games are been one sided due to people constantly logging into other people's accounts and playing at a higher level due to friends boosting them then dropping under 10 kills due to been 3-4 ranks above what they are.

Ranked needs a complete rework and account sharing is the biggest factor to why the ranked system overall below immo such a coin flip and one sided more and more.



  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/urua5z/ranked_is_now_officially_the_worse_its_ever_been/
  • https://reddit.com/urua5z

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