Posted by Steve
Wednesday, June 30, 2021 9:09 PM
More Like This
Gambit Esports vs Team Secret / Group Stage: Opening (C) / VALORANT Champions
### Gambit Esports 2-1 Team Secret
**Icebox**: 6-13
**Breeze**: 13-0
**Bind**: 13-6
[VALORANT Champions: Opening (C)](
### Map 1: Icebox (6 - 13)
Gambit Esports|ACS|K|D|...
Posted by Otto
Friday, December 3, 2021 8:40 PM
Better than any practice or strat - learn to calm down (instructions below)
The best thing you can do to improve at the game and be happier in life is learn to accept that you'll fuck up, your teammates will fuck up, and the entire world around you is constantly fucking up, but we're all still here and we're lucky...
Posted by Otto
Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:21 AM
Agent Concept: Maestro (Duelist)
I was bored.
Ability 1: Mute: Throws a flashbang that also dazes the enemy. (I feel anything else, like Kayo Knife x flash would be a bit broken)
Ability 2: Decrescendo: Throws a smoke with a smaller radius than normal smokes but when ene...
Posted by Otto
Thursday, March 16, 2023 6:31 PM