Posted by Steve
Friday, December 11, 2020 11:05 AM
I really don't know how this happened to me, but just listen to my story in ranked.
I am Immortal 1 for like 2 weeks now and I have been only solo queuing. Previous acts I was Immortal 3, very close to Radiant (i think). Now listen to these recent matches I had.
I win 7 games in a row with scores that varied from 13-5 to 13-10 and I rank up to Immortal 3. After 3 wins I got Immortal 2 and next 4 wins Immortal 3. Now here comes the crazy part. I lost next 2 games 13-10 and 13-11 and I deranked with each loss back to Immortal 1, and heres even crazier part, I then won 2 games in a row 13-6 and 13-9 and I'm still Immortal 1.
Is my account so hardstuck and literally cemented in Immortal 1 from being so long in there not able to rank up, that I need to go on literal 15 games win streak to keep Immortal 3 without de-ranking next loss. I have never seen this and it is so bizzare to me especially since I was Immortal 3 both previous acts.
The system needs complete rework or am I just an anomaly and special case.
Have you had any weird experiences with ranked and if yes, please tell me. I can't be alone with this issue.
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