Posted by Steve
Tuesday, September 13, 2022 6:02 PM
So, I know that everyone at some point has complained or felt like the comp queue has been unfair and all that unlucky , bad teammates shenanigans. I didn’t believe that until recently tho. Currently Gold 3/Plat 1 , its been really hard to get to stay in Plat because of teammates inconsistency. I usually duo with my friend who s the same rank as me or sometimes solo. We would have really good games where we frag a lot and the very next game we would get stomped on. The thing is , we perform well, but as I look at the scoreboard half way through the game I see that 3/5 of the team is going deep negative and not giving comms. When the game ends and I look at their ranks , I would see that I was the only gold player or maybe another player in a team of silvers 2/3 . Do i have a low mmr? I honestly don’t think so I have been going up the ranks pretty fast the past few weeks and I get plenty of rr when I win and loose less when I get an L. I know the game test you out by having you fight higher rank players, but why do I have lower rank teammates. I mean its not their fault if they re playing against plats and going negative, but I can’t carry alone. I know that I have still a lot to improve, maybe this is the rank I deserve, but it feels so unfair when You actually do good yet your team cannot win their gunfights and you always face against higher ranks that one tap before you can blink. Any advice or opinions would be appreciated.
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