Raze Robot runs WAY TO FAST

Posted by Steve

Thursday, February 18, 2021 3:24 PM

One of the most anoying things in valrant is the Charcter: Race. This guy got to be one of the dumest charcters in the game. Whenver you play aganstt this guy , you get beter call up The bomb squad Cause your about to eat a few Grenades every single round. Honstly , if Your gonna chose race, the hardest part of playeing this charcter is knoweing where the diferent butons on your key board is so you can sauce a few bombs in to damage half of the enemys team. You dont even need to buy Guns half the time cause your abilitys LIATERALLY dastroy evaerything!

However, I didnt even said the most OP part about race… the litle robot guy that she puts down got to be the fastest thing Ive ever seen in my life and it also lives FOREVer. No mater what charcter im Playeing (even the fast players like Cifar, oman(Telaporter guy), And Yaru ultra), That robot chase You around the whhole MAP.

Dont wory thogh, I figred out a HACK to avoid geting BOMED by races Robot. All you have to do is walk next to Your team mate(Make sure there alive…) and Jump over them. This cause the robot to stop trackeing you and goes on your Team mate to BOMB them. Also, this hack work on SAVA ultra. When sava ultra you , Stand in front of your team mate so it tracks Them to. Then move Away and the SAva will start ultraing Your team mate and not you which is OP!!

Riot gota Nerf the race ROBOT asap as posible. Here is my sugestion: Make race robot run slower so You can run away if your playeing a charcter like Cifar, oman, Or Yaru ultra. This doesnt work on charcters Who weighs a Lot like Brime stone(He got to many games on his i Pad anyway), Killjay(She weareing to many sweat shirt to run fast). Hopefuly when it runs slower I get bomed Less then the sewer missles In chipotle.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/llz230/raze_robot_runs_way_to_fast/
  • https://reddit.com/llz230

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