Raze and viper are war criminals

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, July 21, 2021 6:02 PM

Raze’s grenades are technically expanding ordinance, which is against the Geneva convention. Guess what else is against the Geneva convention? Chemical warfare; which is literally every single one of Viper’s abilities. Also, if either of them kills a Sage she is killing a field medic, so that too. I had to look up the fucking Geneva convention and unlock viper which took like three days to get this knowledge, so it isn’t low-effort Thanks for listening to my Ted talk

Edit: So is Killjoy due to their AI controller and her ult sabotaging enemy weaponry. Also so is Phoenix by just existing as a bio-weapon. So is Kay/o for his suppressing ability for also sabotaging enemy weaponry. And yes, I know it isn’t a war but it’s still violating the Geneva convention and it’s more fun to call them war criminals rather than “violators of the Geneva convention.” Also, sage technically isn’t a field medic because she is armed and does kill; but if the sage is a friendly then technically it is a war crime to kill them because they would be a field medic.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/onor6e/raze_and_viper_are_war_criminals/
  • https://reddit.com/onor6e

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