/remake should be automated, not a vote

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, September 14, 2022 1:57 AM

Thats it, there s no reason for it to be a vote unless 5 stack. 4v5 its impossible if you're not smurfing.

I played today a game, omen was afk for 7 rounds. His duo voted no to remake cuz "he ll come back".

The whole team was tilted.

He indeed came back but we were already 7 rounds down, we lost the game 13-1. Everybody was throwing at this point, including omen and his duo. I lost 25 rr.

What even is the point of grinding your rank if you get situations like this?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/xcaiul/remake_should_be_automated_not_a_vote/
  • https://reddit.com/xcaiul

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