Remake Vote should NOT be majority of the team

Posted by Steve

Sunday, April 2, 2023 5:19 AM

For example, one guy disconnects from the comp lobby in round 1 which happened to me last night. Ok, no big deal vote a remake and we'll go again. But why does it have to be all 4 votes for the remake vote to pass? This is ridiculous because his duo teammate said, "Yeah, I think he'll be back". Doesn't come back, then we lose the game and RR.

It should probably be 2 votes to pass it, if a duo stack says we don't want to mess with this, then the vote should pass with 2 total saying yes. It doesn't even hurt anybody! So weird why people are against voting for a Remake as it's happened twice to me recently now. This is such an easy change for Riot to make and I don't see a downside here.



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