Reports do nothing.

Posted by Steve

Monday, October 11, 2021 2:12 AM

I've never received one of those "action taken" notifications/emails.

I've reported:

  • A guy who was saying the n word repeatedly in both voice and text chat.
  • People who were purposefully flashing and molly-ing teammates.
  • Horrifically sexist/threatening incels, when playing with my gf.
  • People avoiding AFK offenses.

None of these were acted upon, and all of them were clear-cut. Reporting someone for cheating, or throwing (when they might just be bad) is a different story. But some guy yelling the n-word, or telling my gf to choke on his c**k is not ambiguous. Then this prolapsed asshole of a company has the nerve to say that we aren't reporting people enough. Give me a break.

Edit: They may be doing something without telling us. - I'd like to be informed though.



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