Reports Seem To Be Getting Better?

Posted by Steve

Monday, December 13, 2021 11:05 PM

I have to say, as a woman who plays this game who has personally been so hurt by some of the things I have heard from people harassing me, I am genuinely so happy to see that more of my reports are actually *WORKING.*

Before when I would report someone for literally bullying me and harassing me the entire game, nothing would come from it, and I wouldn't get any kind of notification. Now it seems like things are actually working whenever I get an update that someone has been penalized.

I know some people will be a bit skeptical and not really think things like this are a big deal and to just let it go, but when it is literally happening to you almost every game, it wears you down. So it might be a small step, but I'm thankful something is actually happening.



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