Posted by Steve
Sunday, January 3, 2021 5:48 AM
Chapter 1
1 Instant Unlock, 2 4000, 3 5000, 4 6000, 5 7000: total 22,000
Chapter 2
6 8000, 7 9000, 8 10,000, 9 11,000, 10 12,000: total 50,000
Chapter 3
11 13,000, 12 14,000, 13 15,000, 14 16,000, 15 17,000: total 75,000
Chapter 4
16 18,000, 17 19,000, 18 20,000, 19 21,000, 20 22,000: total 100,000
Chapter 5
21 23,000, 22 24,000, 23 25,000, 24 26,000, 25 27,000: total 125,000
Chapter 6
26 28,000, 27 29,000, 28 30,000, 29 31,000, 30 32,000: total 150,000
Chapter 7
31 33,000, 32 34,000, 33 35,000, 34 36,000, 35 37,000: total 175,000
Chapter 8
36 38,000, 37 39,000, 38 40,000, 39 41,000, 40 42,000: total 200,000
Chapter 9
41 43,000, 42 44,000, 43 45,000, 44 46,000, 45 47,000: total 225,000
Chapter 10
46 48,000, 47 49,000, 48 50,000, 49 51,000, 50 52,000: total 250,000
51 50,000, 52 50,000, 53 50,000, 54 50,000, 55 50,000: total 250,000
Total Net XP required to complete the ACT 3 Battlepass WITHOUT Epilogue: **1,372,000** XP
Total Net XP required to complete the ACT 3 Battlepass WITH Epilogue: 1,622,000 XP
I'm not sure of how much weeklies are worth, since the last pass had some with less or more XP rewards, rather than a consistent amount per mission per week. While they do have quite a bit of XP for finishing them, with the final set filling out around 75,000 last pass. If anyone knows how the weekly system determines the XP changes, or if its a fixed total distributed differently, or whatever is happening with that (so I can add it into the calculations and see what the true daily XP requirement is), hmu in the replies.
XP Per Match for each Gamemode
Unrated / Competitive: Min 1300 XP, Flawless Win (No Lost Rounds) 3900 XP, Max 5100 XP.
Spike Rush: Fixed 1000 XP
Deathmatch: Fixed 900 XP
Custom Matches: No XP
Conclusion (Oct. 14, 2020): To finish the Battlepass (but not the Epilogue) by the final day, you would need to play one of the following sets every single day (assuming all daily missions are completed, and not accounting for weekly missions).
- 2 Full Unrated / Competitive matches of which both are tiebreaker wins, plus one match earning at least 1045 XP.
- 2 Flawless Unrated / Competitive wins and 1 non-flawless match earning 3325+ XP.
- ~11.25 Spikerush matches, assuming Daily Missions do not require gun/shield buying.
- ~12.5 Deathmatch matches, assuming Daily Missions are completed, something you cannot do without playing other gamemodes, making this technically impossible to do.
- ~17 Deathmatch matches, assuming Daily missions are not completed.
- Some combination totaling 11,245 XP. Alternatively 15,245 XP if Daily Missions are not completed within said combination.
I will update this if any XP gain changes are announced, be it tweaks to gain rate, mission rewards, a new gamemode, or anything else that could impact XP gain.
It seems like two winning matches per day seems to be the ideal, with the remaining XP being accounted for by weekly missions and then some, however since winning matches is never a guarantee, and there is no XP buffer system to ensure consistency, this means its also quite a gamble since if you lose matches too often you won't be able to complete the pass without spending in excess of an hour every day on just Valorant (never mind any other interests or hobbies).
Edit 1: Fixed XP total, and tweaked related values to match. Also added an extended conclusion.
Edit 2: Changed the conclusion a bit to emphasize that because I don't know what the weeklies are worth in total or per week, they are not accounted for but are very much there and depending on how much they will be, could make it more practical for someone who does not play daily to complete.
Edit 3: So, I want to add in the new epilogue teirs, but I have no idea what their xp cost is like (and its probably unreasonable for people who don't play Valorant a crap ton).
Edit 4: Deathmatch xp values were tweaked, there is a new temporary snowball fight mode coming out, spike rush's xp reward was also changed, and there are now 5 epilogue teirs with unknown xp costs. None of these are reflected in the above values yet.
Edit 5: Epilogue teirs values added in, added a separate xp total conclusion for doing or not doing the Epilogue.
Edit 6: Fixed xp discrepancy for Epilogue teirs
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