Riot should add the option to /ff more than once in a half

Posted by Steve

Friday, April 30, 2021 2:12 PM

Live from a game with a troller who couldn't get a single kill/assist in 4 rounds, blamed one of his teammates then started running it down with the spike and raze nading/ulting us, and his reasoning is: idc about this game. Now he already launched a surrender vote after losing the second round(full eco round) and we (4 premades) declined not knowing this beast of a troll will unleach. I think riot should add the possibility to /ff multiple times in a half (like LOL every 5 min) or give the premades more power on the surrender vote (like 4 premades can agree that the game should be over and not be held hostage by a troller). What do you think?



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