Riot games has made me GladSageMan, A story of strife, and victory

Posted by Steve

Saturday, October 17, 2020 7:31 PM

Okay I have a WILDIN, one of a kind, story for you all today.

So I was 25 VP short of the phantom singularity (new skin line) phantom. As per usual I fired up MS paint to see if I could get rito to help a man out.

As you can see this beautiful work of art, Caged Corgi at rito games was a legend and hit me up with that 25 VP needed to buy the skin

This made me not a SadSageMan but a very GladSageMan! However, I messed up BAD.

My very undersized brain was not paying any attention to what I was buying, and purchased the ares instead of the phantom.

With no one else to turn to, i turned to my most trusted accomplice, CAGED CORGI, who once again helped out a very sad sadge.

This amazin of a corgi helped me out once again to revert my unusually small brain incident. and helped a SadSageMan turn into a GLadgeSadge!

Thank you all for going with me through this very emotional journey.


Drew a pic for rito cause I was 25 VP short of new phantom skin

Caged Corgi Helped me out and gifted me 25 VP

I bought ares skin instead of phantom, very sad

Caged Corgi helped me out AGAIN

Now I Happy with fentom skin



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