Riot gave me Free VP after I drew Neon as Lightning Mcqueen

Posted by Steve

Saturday, August 27, 2022 12:02 AM

So I had some leftover VP and really loved the new Champions 2022 Phantom, But I was 53VP short and I really didn't want to buy the 525 pack, I've seen various posts around here saying that Riot gave out VP for art but it was a very small amount.

I gave it a go anyway not expecting to get it as it was slightly over 50VP but to my surprise, they noticed my Unmatched tracing skills and granted me the 53VP

Lightning McQueen is Speed, Neon goes Fast

This was my first time sending in art and they responded to me just under a day later, They loved my artwork and said they would give me an exception, I checked my Valorant Account and sure enough, I had a solid 2,675.

Shoutout to Injoker at Riot Support for helping me out :)

Not many companies do this so I'm very grateful to everyone at Riot that allows this to happen :) Thank you Riot <33333



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