Riot needs to revisit how remakes work

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 28, 2023 7:00 AM

Riot needs to revisit how remakes work

Just got off a game where our Skye left immediately after getting killed in the second round. I attempted to remake midround but was met with this message. What proceeded was the most boring time wasting stomp of my life where my team refused to surrender. We of course still tried to win rounds and we did some but just barely every time.

What I'm left wondering is why even though they are VERY CLEARLY DISCONNECTED the remake does not work. At least let us do it on the third round if they disconnect on the second. Pretty sure the only way to remake is if they straight up don't move first round or never connect to the match. Personally I would say it should be extended to round 3 or 4. It is such a waste of time to be stuck in that early in a game where we are at a HUGE disadvantage.

I also believe at the VERY LEAST the message syntax needs to be changed because it is verifiably false.

Sorry, just very frustrated with how this game coddles Leavers/AFKers on a team. Rant over



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