Riot's cesspool of toxicity within a new player's experience

Posted by Steve

Saturday, June 19, 2021 4:07 AM

Sometimes I play unrated games with my friends that are Diamond/Radiant, sometimes I play games with my silver friends too (I'm plat), and we just play for fun, usually.

Riot's method of banning toxic players is acceptable, until we realise exactly what's happening at the other end of the spectrum.

I'll be honest, I have no idea if this topic has been covered in the past, but in the last 5 or 6 months of playing this game as a CSGO migrant I have found that every unrated game I play, I am greeted with the single most TOXIC players I have ever seen in my entire life. So much so, that I was hellbent to find out if I was just imagining this to be the case or if it was actually correlated. It dawned on me that this "system" of banning players due to toxicity is not working and here is why.

Player gets banned > Player makes new account > Player blasts 10 unrated games while flaming and eventually gets banned again > Player repeats this cycle

SO... what are we left with? We are left with new players who are genuinely trying to learn the ropes of the game: Maps, Gunplay, Agent's abilities etc. and getting flamed to death, literally. While this isn't necessarily the case with every single game, it is definitely noticeable.

Riot's methods of trying to decrease toxicity within their games is certainly endearing, but I think the question ultimately becomes "Are we willing to sacrifice the experience of new players so that the existing ones can enjoy their experience even more?"

New players have to win 10 games in order to proceed in ranked play. Does this mean we should allow players with poor energy and arguably a lot more experience and skill than these newbies, to go in and get 30 kills while flaming in all chat? (which I have seen in about 80% of the unrated games that I have played). Like I said, it doesn't happen every time, but it does happen a lot more often than any ranked game I play.

I am not aware of anyone that can't just make a new account and sign up to play.

I have friends that I have tried to convince that VALORANT is a GREAT game, but, after a few games (sometimes it doesn't even last 1 game) they realise how stressful these toxic players can be. Since unrated is littered with these parasites, it's no surprise to me that these people no longer want to play after this.



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