Roles that are assigned to agents are just recommendations.

Posted by Steve

Friday, July 23, 2021 4:21 PM

Now some agents are obviously better for entrying than others. But the point I'm trying to make is, it doesnt matter if you're playing brim. If you notice your team is a bunch of pussies that are afraid to die in a video game, you just man the fuck up and entry as brim. Trust me. You'll climb out faster if you understand that someone needs to fill these roles every round.

Some rounds Jett will feel confident and go in first. Other rounds they might get a little insecure. It's up to you to decide what your team needs in the moment and fill that role.

Why is it good to have this mindset? Because often times teammates die and you're in a 3v3 or whatever and you have no "duelists" alive. So who's the entry now? See what I mean? Someone's gotta do at some point anyways. Let's just cut the bullshit and go for it ourselves. Just remember to communicate with your team "hey I'm smoking off door and heaven then running in, I'm clearing hard left and geni. You guys take care of the rest"

Works so often it's like a cheat code.

Or you can do what 99% of players do and argue why someone should entry over others. Or you can just fucking do it yourself. Fuck them. You'll be out of your diamond games soon enough. And they'll be in diamond next week talking to another phoenix trying to explain to them why they should entry.

I just can't listen to those arguments anymore. But it happens like almost every game it seems like.

Edit: this advice is only for solo q. It's not for a team setting where people actually try to play optimal.

Another edit: seems like people are missing the point and people are telling me I shouldn't entry as brim. Sigh. To those of you who keeps trying to make an argument about why smoke characters shouldn't entry, pls stop and read the post. Or read this tldr: if a pussy picks Jett, that Jett isnt going to play their role because they're a pussy. Therefore we don't have an entry player. Therefor someone needs to entry. In an ideal world people will play their roles, but are you telling me that you get Instalock jets who actually entry? Those are like 1 out of 15 games. 14 out of 15 times tho, the Jett is a pussy buying op on t side, holding flanks and shit. So the point I'm making is, when that happens (and it will) you can either sit there and argue with your mates or you can just take one for the team and fill that role with you suboptimal agent. That's all. Not saying it's perfect. It's just a role that NEEds to be filled EVery RouNd and I found that just filling that role myself nets me most success.



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