rotating skin system is getting worse and worse and needs a desperate fix

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, March 16, 2022 12:02 AM

Hello friends,

first off, the rotating shop for skins was always a scammy tactic to force people into fomo and buying skins they dont reallt want, but it is what it is.

but now that there are sooo many skins in the game and its getting more and more and more its long overdue that they think of some other system

as far as i know there are are around 250 skins that can get into your shop, if u dont own anything.

So the probability of getting the skin is 1.6 % on each rotation.

1 - 249/250 * 248/249 * 247/248 * 246/247 = 1.6 %

so assuming you check your shop every day for a month there is still only a probability of 39.34 % of getting the skin.

probability of seeing the skin once

tell me if my math is wrong but if not its an absolute joke. i know there are more important things to fix in the game then the skin shop but at this point i feel its disrepectful towards the customer.

I hope some Dev sees this so there will be a change soon. This isnt supposed to be a rant, but i want to show how absurd the current system is.



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