RR deduction when someone leaves/AFKs the game.

Posted by Steve

Thursday, January 5, 2023 10:36 PM

I have lost multiple games when a player leaves the game. Why do I have to suffer if someone is leaving or going AFK in a game?

I think Riot should not deduct RR if someone loses a game when there is a disconnected player on the losing team. Nobody wants to play in a handicapped situation.

However, if a party member leaves and you lose then the whole party RR should be deducted.

Also, detect 2xRR of the player who got disconnected/AFK.

Please vote if you agree/disagree with my post. Hopefully, Riot developers see this post and think about it.

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  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/103vx2n/rr_deduction_when_someone_leavesafks_the_game/
  • https://reddit.com/103vx2n

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