Posted by Steve
Tuesday, April 27, 2021 3:52 PM
I'm D1 so I'd like to think my teammates have a solid understanding of how the game works. Yet, like on r/valorant, I see so many of my teammates complaining about running headshots.
"Dude, Reyna just running headshot me, wtf!"
No, their Reyna did not just running one tap you on Icebox from Blue to Boiler when your head was the only thing peeking out. They counter-strafed, but you died before their character model stopped moving so it looked like they were in motion when you died. I agree that it's frustrating when something like this happens, but this is a problem with the netcode rather than the actual game mechanics. Actual instances of running and gunning deaths are few and far in between, and typically happen in very close ranges and with certain guns, such as Spectres and Frenzys.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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