Sage has four spells, actually

Posted by Steve

Saturday, July 23, 2022 7:14 AM

This will sound a bit mean and snappy, but frankly I actually am mad about it, so sue me I guess.

I'm pretty tired of getting Grimm famboys in my games who will force cheese plays around the wall every single round and promptly start dying in the same spot every time because obviously the enemy teams remembers the last time they did that.

And as someone who actually quite likes playing Sage, it just feels like a gigantic waste of an agent to me to only play her for walls, especially since the people who do this never heal or res. They'll use the slow orbs occasionally, but that's about it. You use an agent for only one spell and ignore the rest. What's the point?

If you enjoy lurking at cheesy angles? Play Omen. Or Chamber even, you can get anywhere you can place his TP.

Just in general, maybe don't play an agent if you'll ignore 3/4s of their kit. At that point, maybe play CSGO instead.

Also: Maybe watch Grimm streams, not just Tik Toks and you'll see that he doesn't use these cheese walls every round. He uses them when the opportunity arises. Which is how you should treat every off-angle, trap set up or line-up.

Have a good day and don't keep doing the same things every round even though they're not working



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