Posted by Steve
Friday, February 5, 2021 12:02 PM
With the introduction of Reyna and Skye, and the nerfs to Sage's heal in patch 1.07, it seems as if Sage's label as the "healer" is a bit of a reach at this point.
Ignoring Reyna and Phoenix because their heals are strictly self-healing (but honestly, who in the world is complaining about Phoenix's heals), between Sage and Skye, I think it is somewhat hands down that Skye's heal is not only better, but that type of heal is a bit more aligned with someone who is called a "healer".
This is not to say that an agent with Sage's heal ability is "not a healer", but just that Skye's heal ability is much more team-oriented, especially considering the heal is not a self-heal. Sage's heal ability, on the other hand, is single target and can also be cast on self, and it just makes more sense on Skye, someone who is not necessarily labeled a "healer" the same way as Sage is (some of the other agents' voice lines clearly implies Sage is THE "healer").
Would it be so outrageous if Riot were to swap the two agents' heal abilities? Does it make sense to do so? not only for thematic or conceptual reasons, but gameplaywise as well? I personally think it makes sense to do so (obviously, why else would I be posting this? zz). Curious about everyone else's thoughts on Skye's and Sage's heal, and maybe even about the possibility of Riot actually swapping their heals.
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