Searching for a few to consistently que with.

Posted by Steve

Friday, October 30, 2020 6:31 AM

So I’ve been stuck transitioning from gold 2 to gold 3 since act 1. I’ve personally seen progression in my game since act 1 but I haven’t been able to get past gold 3. I’m looking for a few people I can consistently que up with.

Ideally, these players would be looking to win and improve, have interest in running plays and communicating. Don’t be toxic or get mad when we lose by a lot, no one plays great every game. Additionally, I’m not really interested in 5 stacking but maybe a triple que.

I play omen, or Reyna. I play 3 games of ranked each night from 10pm - about 12:30am. I like to warm up in aim lab for 3 or so min before each game. HMU in my dms with your tagline and I’ll add you.



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