[serious] Any tips for a beginner like me?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, April 16, 2022 1:00 PM

I just installed the game the other day and I'm only level 4. My hands and wrists are stiff and I find it hard to aim and control my movements because my fingers aren't fond of keyboard buttons and mouse for gaming.

I have known Valorant since the day it was released because of my friends. I am not a fan of PC games—in fact, I hardly open my laptop. I am only using the keyboard of my laptop (which makes the game really hard for me to control because of its tiny buttons) and the spare mouse my brother gave me for school. Heck, I was even only today years old when I found out that a gaming mouse with more than 2 buttons exists. That's how much of a caveman I am when it comes to PC gaming so please help a bro out.


I don't have the money to buy gaming equipments that will make my gameplay better. I'm only a student.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/u4il3z/serious_any_tips_for_a_beginner_like_me/
  • https://reddit.com/u4il3z

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