Set your priorities straight kids

Posted by Steve

Sunday, April 4, 2021 12:02 AM

      I’m finally deciding to post about this, as it’s been happening a lot recently. People seem to value match/team MVP over WINNING the game. 
      Played a comp game today with a five stack that I found through a LFG discord channel. Our whole team was playing well, and then our Reyna with 10 more kills than the rest of us starts saying shit like “you guys can at least go positive” and “I better get match MVP”. The rest of the team were sentinels and initiators all sitting at around 12-16 kills while going negative by 1-2 kills. After we choked our lead and lost an easy match, our Reyna didn’t give a shit about losing, but instead was ecstatic that they got match MVP.
      This is just a PSA to use your brain, and don’t play comp with the intention to value match MVP over winning the game.



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