Settle a debate: What does "Trade" mean in Valorant?

Posted by Steve

Monday, October 24, 2022 3:38 AM

I was playing a game in Platinum. We were 2v5 on attack and after I got a pick, my teammate started running at me yelling "TRADE! TRADE! TRADE! TRADE!"

So I assume he wants me to trade him out after he goes in.

But then he just stares at me, so I assume that he wants me to go in and he will trade me out. I'm playing Phoenix so that makes sense too.

I flash out of the smoke, push out, and lose my aim duel. He then pushes out, and loses it too. And then he flamed me for pushing out.

Apparently, what he meant by trade was that he wanted to trade guns. I had picked up the Ion Vandal and he really wanted it so he wanted to trade his Vandal for it. Am I being gaslit? I feel like trade = trade someone out.

#TL;DR Does trade mean trade skins or trade kills?



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