Sexual harassment in Valorant

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, January 26, 2021 7:14 PM

Sexual harassment in Valorant

My wife transitioned into pc gaming this past year and we enjoy playing Valorant together. Whenever she tries to use voice communication she gets harassed by guys. This goes from, get back to the kitchen/bedroom to them describing all types of sexual acts they want her to perform or do to her. This is happening all day, every day, like every 1 out of 3 games. People are going to say: it's part of online gaming, just mute, don't play the game, ignore them, etc. If we're going to ignore it, it won't ever change. Should we then also condone blatant racism and hate speech? Should a non white streamer turn his camera off if he doesn't want racist comments in his chat? That's just backwards thinking, we need to push for this type of behaviour to change.

Sexual harassment should never be considered as a part of online gaming. Stand up to these people, speak out and when there's clear proof, ban the accounts.

Sexual harassment Valorant



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