Sharing my Iron 1 to Plat 3 Progression via Solo Queue

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, November 25, 2020 11:19 AM

Just my experience with the game so far. Never had any competitive game experience. Just played TF2 for fun with friends like 6 years ago. But I had good game sense to the surprise of my friends.

My first ever game I managed an ace, none of my friends believed me but I did and was super stoked about it. Went on to thinking I was this above average player then boom, revealed my rank as Iron 1.

From there I had a more than hard time getting out of iron. But as my understanding of how recoil and abilities worked it helped me move on to bronze. Bronze was easier in a sense for me for some reason. Went to silver pretty quickly but I was hardstuck silver for a long time. I realized I did not use my abilities enough and died careless deaths. This is when I learned that using an ability and losing 200 creds is worth losing armor and a gun. Safe not sorry. Helped me get out of silver.

Gold was similar to bronze where it didn’t seem too difficult. Breezed to Gold 3. Just kept grinding and focusing on my aim and sens.

Plat 1 was where I had to most trouble. I have been promoted to plat 1 at least 8-9 times before deranking either right after or 2 games after. It seemed like plat was a different breed of players. Confidence and my mentality was definitely a huge factor. I would choke so hard as a plat 1 playing with all golds or all plats. Constantly getting called boosted even though I solo queued my way up. But once I realized that this is just a game of progression helped me out of my plateau. My mentality from “omg I dont deserve plat Im trash“ changed to “hey right now my skills are between a gold 3 and plat 1, just gotta keep on going”. And it paid off. Albeit it seemed lucky, middle or bottom fragging to Plat 2 wasn’t as satisfying but I’ll take it. From Plat 2 I deranked once. After that had a series of good games and good teams and managed to get Plat 3.

Playing ranked in a party never went well with me. Then I saw a reddit post saying to solo queue instead to rank up and I started to and before I knew it I was ranking up. Never did aim lab just practiced my aim in the range on medium difficultly, practicing my spray and learning weapons. I hate to admit it but the Odin did definitely helped me a lot. Idk why but that gun did wonders for me. Phantom being my second choice.

Just wanted to share my experience with this game. I started playing around August of this year and made it here. Wasn’t easy but definitely has a sense of accomplishment even though its just a game.



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