Sheriff should 1 tap HS at any range

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, June 22, 2021 12:31 PM

ALRIGHT.. I know this has been a topic since they first made the change. I, among many others, felt that the change was a little odd. From a users standpoint, to hit a HS past 30m with the sheriff is noot as easy as people consider it to be. Alot of people already have trouble doing it within 30m (im Plat-Dimond). It leaves me feeling very very unsatisfied to hear a *dink* and they just walk away.

As much as i want to compare the deagle from CS i will not because it has been so overused. Valorant has established itself as its own game within the competitive FPS scene. I also have already heard the argument of "well the marshall would be rendered useless". this is completely false. the marshall just with the fact of it having a scope makes it superior than the sheriff, also it being 2 shots to the body.

So i want to hear this communities reasons on why the sheriff should/should not be a 1 tap HS pistol at all ranges.



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